Revival day 2
Ryan used many verses which is fitting considering how he spoke about the word of God. So to begin I will list all the verses below and please take time to look them up! (:
Ephesians 2:8-10
Matthew 5:13-16
1 peter 2:12
Proverbs 5:4
Hebrews 4:12
2 Timothy 3:16,17
1 Peter 2:2
John 8:30,31
Psalm 119:9-11
Joshuah 1:89
Joshuah 1:1-7
2 Corinthians 5:1-7
Jeremiah 29:11
(I know its alot but its worth looking up)
How many of us have read the bible at least once? How many of us can quote at least 10 scriptures by heart? To be completely honest I have not done any of that. If we memorize the book of proverbs we will still know less then half of one percent of the bible. How crazy is that! I know that I don't know as much as I should but hearing that motivated me to read more. I believe he said that if we read 3 1/2 chapters out of the bible a day we will be able to completely read the bible all the way through in a year.
Do you want to know how to beat sin? Read the bible! Get into His word! It says in Proverbs 5:4 that sin is as sharp as a double edged sword. Yes that intimidating but guess what? In Hebrews 4:12 its says that the Word of God is sharper then any double edged sword. So that means read his word. Meditate on what you read. Use it in your everyday lives. Defeat sin and Satan with Gods words!
I hope that what I am writing is not to confusing. Like I said some of it went above my head. I am still learning myself and all of this is new to me.
There was one verse that Ryan really taught on today. That was 2 Corinthians 5:7. For we live by faith, not by sight. The way he put it was most say live by faith not by sight. Like it is a command. When really that is completely wrong the text says WE LIVE by faith not by sight. WE LIVE! Its not a command to live by faith not by sight. It is saying that we already live like that. Ryan said this is where most people misinterpret the Word of God. They say Live by faith, not by sight, as if its a command to do so. Sometimes we need to slowdown and read Gods word for what it really says. For we live by faith not by sight.
Another neat things I learned tonight was that When we go to Heaven we will no longer live by faith. Instead we will live by sight. We will be new bodies,sinless bodies. We will no longer have the need to live by faith. We will already be with God. So we will live by what we see.
I know that there was alot more that Ryan spoke. Like I said his message was amazing. I hope this is not to difficult for others to understand. If so I am truly sorry.
That message really did change my mind setting though. I will now strive to get more into the Word of God.
God bless <3
Heaven April
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