Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Revival day 3

So there are two different things I want to adress in today's blog. 1. is the message from today. It was a really good one. 2. Worship in music. Actually, I want to adress different worship styles.

Worship In music
Okay, so we all have different ways we worship. Some lift their hands to God, some sing as loud as they can, some bow down on the ground with their hands lifted. For me, its standing up, eyes closed, mouth moving. Sometimes I will lift my arms, but not always. We all have our own style, the thing that matters is that we are worshiping God.

Today at the revival there was a man that clapped, and sang louder then even the singer. In my eyes it was amazing! I loved his style of worship! I thought it was great that he wasn't afraid to worship in his own way. God deserves that kind of praise!

Sitting in front of me, i will not name names, there were a few younger boys mocking the way this guy was worshiping. This really bothered me. I asked them many times to stop, as well did one of the boys older sister. They kept out it the whole time Micah was singing. So this is what I have to say,

We all have our own way of worship. Its our style, and we should not judge anyone else for their style. We are not the ones who can judge, only God can. Bullying, in any form, is unacceptable. That's what these boys were doing to this man, the worst was they were doing it behind his back. Don't be afraid to worship how you worship! Don't let what others say affect you. No matter what anyone thinks, Worship God! He deserves it, remember he is the only judge that matters. (:

That's all on that subject (: Now on to the message of today!

Revival day 3
God. That one word should strike fear in you. It should bring a smile to your face, and tears to your eyes. Warmth in your heart, and goosebumps on your arms. That's how powerful God is!

Some people try to put characteristics on God that are not him. They read something in the bible and say, oh I don't worship a God who does that? Really? Then sorry to tell you, but you don't worship God. We don't chose what characteristics we want in God. He decides that for hisselft. Did you know that in 1 Samuel 16, God sent an evil spirit to torment Saul. Sometimes we forget that God doesn't always bring joy at first, sometimes he brings pain that eventually leads to joy. Remember that. Some will praise God to the highest when their life is going good, then as soon as God puts a little struggle in their lives they turn from him.

Yes, God brings joy, love, but also remember God brings fear. We should fear him. He is more powerful then anything we can imagine. That does not mean that God is bad, though. He is better then we can ever hope to be. He puts those struggles and at the end something amazing comes out of them!

In John 11, Jesus brings a man names Lazarus back to life. That's the happy ending part. it says that Jesus loved Lazarus and his two sisters, Martha and Mary so much. Yet when he found out that Lazarus was sick, instead of going straight to Bethany, he waited where he was for two more days. By the time he reached Bethany , Lazarus was already dead. When Jesus got there he brought this man back to life. Those that saw this happen, then went to tell others, and soon Jews starting coming to Christ. They said they wanted to be like him. So yes, one man died and it seemed horrible at the time, but in the end he was alive and many more were saved. There was alot more to the story. If you get time go read John 11! (:

That's how God works. He gives bad, to bring amazing! Don't ever question what God is doing. God always does what is right! No matter how hard, or painful it may be, it is always the right thing. Our life is meant to give glory to God, and that means during the bad times to.

Here is some scripture from tonight. Check it out!! (:

Psalm 115:3
Exodus 4:11
Ephesians 1:3
1 Samuel 14
1 Kings 22
Genesis 18
Ezekiel 16
John 9
John 11
Isaiah 52

Ryan also told us to google Murder of Polycarp. I'm not sure what it is, I have yet to google it. If you get the chance to go for it! (:

                                                            God Bless <3
                                                                         Heaven April

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