Wednesday, September 19, 2012


So today was.... Well basically, it left me speechless! I want to take a moment, tho, to focus on the music that was played throughout the week. Don't worry though I will get to the message. (:

Micah Mariano
So i was first introduced to Micah's preaching at Seek Week church camp this past summer. During that week I was never exposed to his music. So this was a first for me...... It was amazing! Music is where God speaks to me most. Honestly I really felt God the whole time Micah was on stage. He played alot of amazing songs, that I can not recall at the moment, and they all spoke to me. I could tell that he was really singing for God. I just wanted to take a moment to recognize Micah and his work he is doing for the Lord. 

Revival Day 4
So we always hear someone saying, I believe in Jesus, then someone else chimes in and says "Then you are saved." Sorry to burst your bubble but believing in Jesus does not mean you are saved. Even the devil believes in Jesus. In order to be truly saved we need to be born again.  In John 2:23-25, it talks about how many people, at the passover festival in Jerusalem, saw the signes of Jesus and believed in his name. They saw what he does and they believe in his name! This does not mean that they believe in him.

To truly be saved we need to be born again. Do you need me to back that statement up? Well I can do that for you! In John 3:3 Jesus replied, "very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again." We must accept God and let him rule our lives. We must be born again, made new. We can not be saved and be the same person we were. We must be new! We must wash away our old sins and live for God and him alone!

Do you understand now why I called this post a reset? Most believe they are saved just because they believe in Jesus. That's not enough. We need to believe in all that he does, all that he is. We need to believe in the bible and all that it says. We cant pick and choose what to believe in and what not to believe in. That's not our place. We cant make God who we want. He is who he is, not who we make him. God's pleasure with us is not in what we do its if we have that relationship with Christ. That relationship does not just come from saying we believe. It comes from practicing our belief and glorifying Jesus.

We have to understand that God doesn't just hand out party favors, He is a God that demands fear, honor,worship, and more. We have to follow Jesus for who he is, not just what he does. We cant just follow him when he brings joy to our lives then turn from him when pain enters our lives. Praise him ALWAYS. Believe in him ALWAYS. Worship him ALWAYS. Do you get my point? Don't just say you believe, believe.

Ill leave with the question I was left with. Do you really know Jesus or have you just heard of him?

Here is some scripture from tonight! (:

Acts 4:12
John 14:6
John 6
John 10
John 17
John 2:23, 3:1
John 8:30
1 John 2:19-23
Romans 8:16-17
Matthew 7:21-23
Philippians 3:9
2 Corinthians 5:21
John 6:2
Mark 5
2 Corinthians 5:17
Matthew 13
John 10:10
2 Corinthians 13:5
Philippians 2:6
Hebrews 1:3

Okay so that was the message for today, and the last message of this revival.

I just want to take a moment to talk about Ryan, the speaker.

I had never heard of him. To be honest I was drawn to this revival because of Micah. I just want y'all to know how much this man spoke to me. I could see God just shining through him. He didn't sugar coat anything, he spoke the truth and backed it up with scripture. He challenged us and overwhelmed me. But I loved every moment of it! If any of you reading this get the change to see this man, do so! God out and hear him preach! He is amazing!

God spoke through this revival. Few people showed up to the first day. From my church it was just me and my best friend Stephanie. Today we took 18 kids and had 1 more meet us there. I don't know how many of those kids were saved, or got saved, but I heard of at least one who Gave her life to Christ. That's amazing! God is good! I am so glad that I got the opportunity to participate in this revival this week. 

                                                        God bless <3

                                                                   Heaven April

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