Saturday, September 29, 2012


So its no secret that Texas needs rain! Actually every week in church our prayer ends with a pray for rain. For the past two days our answers have Been answered!

This is the park in my local town. It was flooded and had to be evacuated. Our down town had to be evacuated as well because the river over flowed and was headed to the town. I went to bed last night to rain and woke up to more <3 its a blessing!!

He draws up the drops of water, which is distill as rain to the streams; the clouds pour down their moisture and abundant showers fall on mankind.
Job 36:27-28

This is just proof that God does answer prayers. We needed this rain and we got it. (: God is amazing and continues to bless our lives.

                                                               God bless <3
                                                                            Heaven April 

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