Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Guatemala round 3!

Wow! God is amazing! I am sitting in bed writing this post from Santiago, Guatemala. It finally dawned on me that I have been blessed with the opportunity to be here at the Children’s home for a third time this past year. Looking  back over the past year has left me in awe. To see how God has changed my heart since my first visit to the home, and to comprehend the amazing opportunity presented before me here has been incredible. I am so in love where God has me and I make new memories daily. These kids have stolen my heart completely, and this home has invited me to do life with them.

I have been in Guatemala a little over a week now, and at the home for a week exactly. Honestly it feels like I never left. I was able to pick up right where I left off four months ago. That’s what I love about coming back, I am welcomed like I never left. There has been many changes to the home, however. Some kids have left, some in other homes, and more have arrived. The home I am in has lost kids but not gained any new ones but both the other homes have gained many new beautiful faces! I got the chance to go to the New Beginnings home and see a few kids I met last time, as well as play with some new kids. It is incredible to see the growth of that home over the past year. When I first came they only had one child, now they have eight and are constantly growing! God is moving in that home.

The home that I am in is great as always! There are four of us interning for the summer, so that is a blessing. Last summer it was just me and my role in the home looked a lot different than it does now. Last summer I mainly watched kids and helped with school, this summer I still watch kids but the schooling has been passed on to my friend Brenda who came with me this summer. It has been so great to get to introduce one of my closest friends to the family that I love. I am so blessed that Brenda gets to spend the summer here. She works all day teaching second grade and helping the four kids in that grade get caught up where they need to be. They need a lot of one on one attention and she is able to give that to them.
Brenda Playing with Martina during break time
As I mentioned my roles within the home are different this time than they were the first two times I came. Every morning I work with Yeni (2) and Martina (19). They are both disabled and need one on one attention. It is challenging but so rewarding. I have no training or prior knowledge on how to work with disabled special needs children but It has been something that has been on my heart since I met these two girls. Yeni is deaf, and can not walk or communicate really. She doesn’t speak and has seizures and some other health issues. Her mobility has been up and down since I met her. Some days she walks okay, some days she doesn’t at all. I have been walking with her for hours each morning trying to get her legs stronger and able to do it alone. I have been doing this for 4 days and I have seen huge improvement! Each morning we walk around the yard. I also have been sitting her on stairs and having her pull up by using only my finger to stabilize her, I have seen this working. It’s a daily struggle, but those little moments when she walks a little further on her own, are moments for celebration! Martina is 19 and is in a wheelchair, doesn’t speak, can’t walk or stand, and doesn’t communicate much. For some reason with me she does. She has been my best friend since last summer. The way I work with her is by just spending time with her. With so many kids to care for its hard for these two to get the one on one attention they need. Martina loves to just sit and listen as I talk. I am currently reading through Romans with her, It has been a blessing. I love working with these two girls every morning. I don’t know what I am doing most times, but I know that God does.
The evenings are pretty chill. Since there are three of us rotating out watching kids in the afternoon, I am able to have free time after lunch most days. Usually my free time is spent with the kids either way, but I can sneak in a nap sometimes ;P

The two sweet Girls I work with 
(There are videos of Jeni walking on facebook you should check it out! ) 

This morning I was able to take Jeni and Martina to their schooling. It was interesting, I am super excited about getting back home and getting some training on how to better help them! 

My first week here has been incredible! God is so evident in this home and in this country. Being with the family again has reminded me of why I love this place so much! I have gotten to talk to the parents more, work with the children closer, and grow in my relationship with Christ while doing it! I am excited to see what God continues to do this summer! 

Prayer Request
  • Yeni and Martina- Continued growth and improvement
  • Brenda- Teaching second Grade
  • Upcoming Court Hearings
  • Wisdom on how to boldly profess the gospel 
  • Strength to do all work as unto the Lord
  • Deborah's baby that is due in a few weeks! 
  • New Childrens home opening in August
  • All three homes and the kids/ parents/ interns 
  • Wisdom and Direction From God this summer. 
For more updates feel free to add me on Fb or Email me at 
Sweet Monica, This girl has a joy and a smile that is contageous
Juanito is growing up! This boy came last summer
while I was here, His growth is incredible! 
Mr. Issac doing chin ups! 

Brenda and I with sweet Mercy Girl! 

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