Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Camp Buckner

Hey guys, I know it has been a really long time since I have updated anything. For that I am sorry. I have many people wanting me to keep them updated on what is going on this summer, and I figure this is a good way to do that.

This summer I have the opportunity to work at camp Buckner in Burnet Texas. I have been going to summer camp for a few years with many of the people that work here or live in Burnet, and last summer i felt the Lord really pulling on my heart to work with this group of people. At that time I didn't know what that would look like. Maybe rec team for front line ministries or just living in Burnet for a summer. Last semester I discovered what God was calling me to. I started to look at camp jobs for the summer and I got in touch with CJ who was the leader of the summer staff for Buckner in Burnet. During that time there was no doubt in my mind that Camp Buckner was where God was leading me for the summer. As I started to look more into what Camp Buckner really was I started to fall more in love with the ministry. Buckner International is a orphanage ministry. They have in Texas camps and out of country mission trips. I am so blessed to be part of this wonderful ministry.

I arrived on the 18th. I had only been out of school two days before having to drive up to camp, so I was a little wore out, but God defiantly got me pumped up! The first day was about getting acquainted with the other staff members that we would be living with for the next three months. There were ten of us total but by the end of the two training weeks we will have a total of 12 staff members. So far there is:

Alexys and Alex- The twins. I go to school with Alexys and through that have gotten to know her sister. They are great to do ministry alongside
Victoria- She is from Irving and her heart for the Lord is inspiring.
Reed- Hes the outdoorsy guy who is quiet and has random moments
Canon- He is the one who reminds me of my brother. He is kind and funny but has some funny violent verbal moments.
Jon Jon- He is Napoleon Dynamite. That is the only way to describe him.
Thomas- I have known Thomas for nearly a year now. He is the funny guy. I have seen so much growth in him this past year and I can not wait to see how God grows him this summer. 
Seth- Seth is seth. He is the baby of the group and I feel God is going to really change him this summer. 
Jose- He is the oldest guy of the group. He is funny and caring and takes care of us girls.
Ben- He is one of the ones who just got here a few days ago. He is on retreat staff here at Buckner.

On our staff field trip we got the opportunity to visit Buckner headquarters in Dallas. We also got to visit one of the warehouses and see part of the Go Now missions training. It was a true blessing to be there.

One staff member that we can never forget is CJ, our boss. He is goofy and crazy but is one of the best guys I know!

It is crazy how close we have all became in the less than two weeks that we have been here. We are a family. That closeness comes from living in a four bedroom house with one another and going through intense training together. We basically do everything together from ropes course, to eating, to cleaning and even living. 

Last week we really focused on team building as well as getting certified for ropes trainings. It was a blast and a challenge. In a few short days we all learned who the leaders of the group were, and we learned how to be patient with one another. God challenged us in so many ways this past week. Some of us broke down and fell apart and others carried those who were weak. 

I have been struggling for a while now and this weak I learned how to let others help me. Even though they did not know the situation, they were able to speak kind words to me and make me laugh and realize that God's love shines through all. By the end of the week we were all roped certified. I did things I never imagined that I could do in a few short days. I learned to not say 'I can't' ever and to not tear one another down but lift each other up. 

This is a picture of me setting up the rope wall. This is one of the things I am now certified to do. 

Sunday morning we got the opportunity to attend church at the epicenter. For three years I have heard about this church and it was such a blessing to be able to attend. The service made me feel like I was sitting in on a night at seek week and I really felt God moving through that church. It was great to get to see some of my friends that I had met through the years. Its still unbelievable to me that I am now working for the people who ran the church that changed my life. That night I got to attend a bible study led by my boss CJ at the epicenter. It was exciting. 

If you are ever in the burnet area stop by this church you wont regret it! 

This past week I have been working with the cleaning crew. I was unable to pass the pre rec for lifeguard certification, so a few of us are now working with cleaning staff while the others go through training. At first I was hesitant and a little down on myself. I felt like God couldn't use me if I was cleaning all day long. Boy was I wrong! God can use us no matter what the job. Everyday is a mission trip and God can use us no matter what! 

Today we got the opportunity to run ropes for the first group of the summer. We did it for a ladies nurse retreat. It was a blessing to serve them! They were crazy and funny and spoke so much life into me. 

God has big things in store for this summer. I can already feel Him working on my heart and breaking down my walls. I pray constantly that He will use me no matter what the situation. Please pray for me as I walk down this journey. 

If anyone has prayer request for the summer feel free to facebook message me or email me at 

God bless <3
Heaven Slaughter